Tuesday, January 5, 2010

P&E Reader's Poll

It's that time of year again, the Preditors & Editors reader's poll, honoring print & electronic publications published during 2009.

Polls are open from January 1 through January 14, and you can peruse the lists and make your votes by clicking here.

Kind of a convoluted process (you can't vote a "slate," but gotta vote in each category and then wait for the confirming e-mail) but I suppose that stops automated and discourages shill voting.

Lots of familiar names on there, a couple of anthologies I was proud to be a part of . . . and more than a few that would not have me!

Congratulations to all the nominees, both friend and stranger, and best of luck.

Remember: Vote for the anthology, author, editor, or story of your choice. But vote!


Fox Lee said...

So many to choose from. My world spins!

Brendan said...

With more to come every day no doubt, Natalie!

And sincere congratulations on your own nomination. Looking forward to someday saying, "I knew you when . . ."