Wednesday, November 12, 2008


I've got a second piece posted on the MicroHorror website, this one titled "Absentee Ballots." You can read the story by clicking here.

This is an abridged version of a story I entered at the last minute into Apex Digest's recent Halloween competition, themed "Election Horror." Had to whittle it from a thousand words (Apex's limit) down to MicroHorror's limit of 666. Probably more humorous than horror, but I had fun writing it.

It's a good example (I suppose) of how a story is never wasted. Whether it finds a home in the first place you send it or the fifteenth, if it's a good story and you believe in it . . . keep trying!

And thanks to Nathan Rosen, who truly does a remarkable job with MicroHorror. Not only does he provide a forum for new writers looking to be read, but he is remarkably personable in his communications and has an unbelievably quick turnaround.

To check out the Apex Digest Election Horror winners, click here. They're worth your time.

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