Friday, July 29, 2011

Not a bad way to end the week

Got a very nice review of Applewood over at Patricia’s Vampire Notes blog yesterday. Well. Very nice is an understatement, but I’m trying to be humble here. Among other things, the reviewer wrote:

"The dialog is right on pitch, and Myers' young protagonists react to situations with adolescent authenticity. As we get to know Dugan and his pals, we come to care very much about them. This is Myers' secret weapon, one reason we keep turning the pages as fast as we can."

The entire review can be read here. Please check it out!

She ended the review with the following:

"There are three distinct time frames in the novel, and the reader might wish Myers had spent more time fleshing out the Civil War-era scenes, as well as wrapping up the present-day face-off of the old gang against their long-time nemesis. (To be fair, Myers may be planning a sequel.)"

Heh. More than planning, my dear reader / reviewer. The next volume in the series is complete and ready to go.

So long as people want it!

Sincere thanks to this reviewer, and all reviewers and readers, for taking the time to read my book. Special thanks to this reviewer for the very kind words.


Aaron Polson said...

Congrats, Brendan. A nice review is solid gold. This one is on my fall "to read" list. Vampires go well in October, don't they?


Brendan P. Myers said...

Thanks much, Aaron. Solid gold, indeed. And yes, October and vampires were made for each other. It's no coincidence that October is a . . . critical month in the book. Enjoy! And as always, thanks for stopping by.