Friday, February 3, 2012


When I put up my previous post about two weeks ago, Blogger was kind enough to let me know it was the 200th post on this blog. Now, given how long this thing has been around, that milestone is probably not one that should be celebrated, as it averages out to about two or so posts a month.

And really, if a blog is going to be successful at all (in my case, success would be measured in book sales) you need to update the thing a few times a week, probably more.

But in all honesty, I simply don’t have that much to say. In terms of writing, I don’t have the expertise or education to give you advice on how to improve your own writing (and given some of the reviews I’ve gotten, you probably don’t want to take advice from me anyway.) I certainly don’t have any advice on how an “Indie” writer can improve their book sales.

For a while there, I thought I’d add content by writing book reviews. I posted a few reviews both here and on Goodreads, and even got contacted by Simon and Schuster to review a pre-release thriller (which was kind of cool.) But then . . . I got my own review from one of the premier book review sites in publishing, and let’s just say it wasn’t kind. After the dry heaving and the tears, I swore off writing book reviews.

I mean, who the hell am I to judge another writer’s work? But I will point out that when I did them, the worst rating I ever gave was two-stars. In one instance, as much as I thought the book detestable (and it was by a very famous writer) I simply couldn’t give it one star. I guess like the SATs, I give folks points for simply signing their names, maybe because I know how hard it is to write a book, even a bad one.

In other news, I’m writing again . . . slowly . . . painfully. About 5,000 words into a sequel to “Hope Town” and 10,000 words into the next in the “Applewood” saga.

Oh, and apparently, I’m a very big deal in Spain.

When I gave away “Hope Town” those few weeks over Christmas, more than a few folks at Amazon.Es downloaded it. Therefore, I was delighted this morning to see that my very first sale this month came from . . . Spain.

Muchas gracias, mi amigos!

And have a good day.

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